Right after you get pregnant, your body releases hormones to lose ligaments. The ligaments hold the bones together. The purpose of the hormones during pregnancy is to release the pelvis so it can expand when the placenta starts to grow. But other bones get loose also and that ends up in instability and subluxations in the spinal column.
If the pelvis misaligns, the fetus would not have enough space to turn head down during the 7th month to be ready for birth. Turning around will give a chance to have a vaginal birth instead of a C-section. BEING BORN BY VAGINAL BIRTH WILL GIVE THE BABY HIS/HER IMMUNITY.
If the mother gets adjusted, the pelvis and the rest of the bones will stay in place nerves will work normally. Getting adjusted even before getting pregnant can benefit the baby and the mother.
The nervous system of the mother can’t have subluxations or interference because the brain needs to send messages to every part of the body. Also, chiropractic care can balance your hormonal system, and in some cases the birth process could be more comfortable.
Chiropractic care does not require any force. It is a very gentle thrust.