70% of our immune system is in the gut (colon, intestine). The rest is in our spleen, bone marrow and thymus. But let’s talk about the gut and its impact in our health.
Absorption, elimination and digestion are one of the most important functions of the intestine. Antibiotics kill the beneficial bacteria called microbiome and affect the functions of the gut. The lining of the gut is made of microbiome. The microbiome is composed of microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and viruses that are involved in human metabolism, nutrition, physiology, and immune function. For every dose of antibiotic, it takes 2 years to get that flora (microbiome) back. It weakens our immune system and we are prone to get diseases that normally our body fights.
Everything that we ingest that is not natural, affects the gut and creates inflammation. This creates many health problems including ADD, ADHD, any kind of allergy, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and many more.
Following some protocols, Dr. Frances Colon can help you improve your overall health because every disease starts either in the gut or the spine.
“All diseases starts in the gut”- Hippocrates (Father of Medicine)