El año escolar y la salud de su niño

El comienzo del año escolar es sinónimo de ansiedad, alegría, amigos, nuevas maestras, etc., pero también envuelve enfermarse a menudo, cargar bultos, estar sentado por mucho tiempo, mala postura y hacer actividades que pueden envolver caídas y accidentes. Por eso es muy importante llevar a su niño al quiropráctico, para evitar y corregir el daño…

Non organic food? Think again before eating them.

Before 1992, farmers were growing their crops the same as our ancestors. But after this year, Monsanto started to develop Round Up pesticide. First they were introduced to the people for their houses to kill the weed. Then, Monsanto reached the farmers. They were offered a desiccant (Round Up pesticide) to speed up wheat harvest.…

How To Balance Your Hormones

You feel tired, can’t fall sleep , wake up in the middle of the night, anxiety, weight gain, tachycardia etc. First, you have to look what is the cause. Most people look for remedies to treat the symptoms and end up with more symptoms that were not resolved in the first place. Prevention is key.…

Take Control Of Your Children’s Health

Usually people describe their children’s health as normal. ” My child had the normal cold, the normal ear infection, the normal cough” etc. We are getting used to see symptoms as normal. And in a way, is not bad, but when is common and it happens frequently (twice a year) is not good. My kids…

Thermography: An Excellent Prevention Tool

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging is a non invasive test of physiology. It is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early stage of a disease. This makes possible an adequate treatment plan. It detects initial physiological changes that accompanies different pathologies and diseases so risk factors can be established and…

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

BENEFITS OF INFRARED SAUNA Detoxifying from metals is one of the most important things you can do for your health. We acquired them from vaccines, water, paints, light bulbs, aluminum foil and everything with aluminum etc. These metals interfere with your inmune system and your brain. Also, it can create leaky gut and this can…